NGO – Non Governmental Organisation works on social causes like poverty, women empowerment, illiteracy, child labor, environment, unemployment, child and women abuse, etc. These groups tend not to make money from government. They are non-profit organisations, which are independent from states and international governmental organizations. NGOs generally run on donations, whereas some run primarily by volunteers.
There are different kinds of NGOs. Generally categorized by orientation and level of how they operate.
India is still a developing nation, NGOs are often set up to fill in the gap left by government.In India, their is a large population that is vulnerable in terms of education, health, jobs and opportunities, development in general. Too many NGOs are working on it, they select their sector while formation and work for that particular cause. NGOs working under education cause includes Teach for India (direct intervention in low income classrooms), Akshay-Patra (involved with the mid-day meal scheme). Then their is Goonj working for clothing and believes that merely by reusing the existing clothing in the nation. Others such as Nirdhan are involved with providing livelihood to the poor.
NGOs are playing a vital role in the society. And they will continue to play a larger role in developing the nation.
NGO – NON GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATION are very important for the healthy survival of any society.

Nirdhan is an Indian charity founded in 2011. Our aim is to empower the very poorest of families in rural areas. We skill and train the poorest of the poor to create micro-enterprises that boost income and inspire permanent positive change. We fund raise in the UK. We operate our livelihood development programmes in West Bengal.
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